Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
332 lines
** **
** softc.h **
** **
** SoftC common library header **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 by **
** SoftC, Ltd. **
** 16820 Third Street NE **
** Ham Lake, MN 55304 **
** (612) 434-6968 **
** **
** All rights reserved. **
* Function Return Codes
#define SC_NOFUNC 10 /* WARNING - function not supported */
#define SC_MEMWRN 9 /* WARNING - partial memory allocation */
#define SC_NOTBFRD 8 /* WARNING - file I/O not buffered */
#define SC_FILENGTH 7 /* WARNING - file length is incorrect */
#define SC_FLDROUND 6 /* WARNING - numeric field rounded */
#define SC_FLDTRUNC 5 /* WARNING - data field truncated */
#define SC_NOFIND 4 /* WARNING - could not find key in index file */
#define SC_END 3 /* WARNING - no more keys */
#define SC_EMPTY 2 /* WARNING - file is empty */
#define SC_DELREC 1 /* WARNING - record read is marked deleted */
#define SC_SUCCESS 0 /* successful function return code */
#define SC_WRTFAIL -1 /* ERROR - file write failure */
#define SC_RDFAIL -2 /* ERROR - file read failure */
#define SC_MEMERR -3 /* ERROR - memory allocation error */
#define SC_SKFAIL -4 /* ERROR - file pointer reposition failed */
#define SC_NOFILE -5 /* ERROR - file not found */
#define SC_FILBAD -6 /* ERROR - file corrupted */
#define SC_BADEXPR -7 /* ERROR - bad user specified key expression */
#define SC_NOHNDL -8 /* ERROR - no handles available */
#define SC_NOPGS -9 /* ERROR - no index pages loaded */
#define SC_BADPG -10 /* ERROR - index page was not loaded */
#define SC_CLOSFAIL -11 /* ERROR - file close failure */
#define SC_BADCMD -12 /* ERROR - invalid command */
#define SC_BADHNDL -13 /* ERROR - invalid handle number */
#define SC_BADFNAME -14 /* ERROR - invalid filename */
#define SC_BADDATE -15 /* ERROR - invalid date */
#define SC_BADTIME -16 /* ERROR - invalid time */
#define SC_NODBT -17 /* ERROR - file not in memo format */
#define SC_NOFPT -17
#define SC_DBFVERS -18 /* ERROR - invalid file version */
#define SC_MDXVERS -18
#define SC_DBTVERS -18
#define SC_DBFHLEN -19 /* ERROR - file header length error */
#define SC_MDXHLEN -19
#define SC_DBFDATE -20 /* ERROR - last file change date in error */
#define SC_MDXDATE -20
#define SC_NULLPARM -21 /* ERROR - parameter address NULL */
#define SC_BADKEYT -22 /* ERROR - invalid key type */
#define SC_KEYLEN -23 /* ERROR - invalid key length */
#define SC_ITEMLEN -24 /* ERROR - item length incorrect */
#define SC_BADROOT -25 /* ERROR - invalid root page */
#define SC_MAXKEYS -26 /* ERROR - bad maximum number of keys per page */
#define SC_FLDCNT -27 /* ERROR - invalid number of fields */
#define SC_BADFLDN -28 /* ERROR - field name invalid */
#define SC_FLDLEN -29 /* ERROR - bad field length */
#define SC_DECPL -30 /* ERROR - decimal places parameter invalid */
#define SC_BADFLDT -31 /* ERROR - invalid field type */
#define SC_RECLEN -32 /* ERROR - invalid record length */
#define SC_BADDATA -33 /* ERROR - bad data */
#define SC_LINELEN -34 /* ERROR - memo soft line length invalid */
#define SC_MDXFLAG -35 /* ERROR - MDX flag in DBF file invalid */
#define SC_READOLY -36 /* ERROR - file open for reading only */
#define SC_LCKVIOL -37 /* ERROR - file locking violation */
#define SC_LCKBOVR -38 /* ERROR - sharing buffer overflow */
#define SC_NOPATH -39 /* ERROR - path not found */
#define SC_ACCDEN -40 /* ERROR - access to file denied */
#define SC_BADACC -41 /* ERROR - invalid access code */
#define SC_NOTLCKD -42 /* ERROR - file must be locked first */
#define SC_NEWDEV -43 /* ERROR - diskette changed */
#define SC_MINKEYS -44 /* ERROR - bad minimum number of keys per page */
#define SC_FILSOPEN -45 /* ERROR - some files remain open */
#define SC_OPENFAIL -46 /* ERROR - could not open the file */
#define SC_FLSHFAIL -47 /* ERROR - flush to disk failure */
#define SC_BADTAG -48 /* ERROR - invalid tag handle */
#define SC_BLKSZ -49 /* ERROR - invalid page size in blocks */
#define SC_BADTNAME -50 /* ERROR - invalid tag name */
#define SC_BLKADR -51 /* ERROR - invalid page offset adder */
#define SC_MAXTAGS -52 /* ERROR - invalid maximum number of tag table elements */
#define SC_TBLELEN -53 /* ERROR - bad tag table element length */
#define SC_TAGCNT -54 /* ERROR - invalid tag count */
#define SC_KEYFORM -55 /* ERROR - unknown key format switches */
#define SC_UNSWITCH -56 /* ERROR - unknown switch error */
#define SC_TAGOPEN -57 /* ERROR - tag in use */
* Common Defines
#define SC_TRUE 1
#define SC_FALSE 0
* Error Handling Prototypes
#define sceclr() (sc_code = SC_SUCCESS)
char *scemsg( void );
void sceprintf( char *, /* format string */
... ); /* variable number of paramters */
int scerrlog( int modid, /* module ID */
int code ); /* error/warning code */
void scewrite( void *, /* address of data to log */
int ); /* length */
* External Variables
extern const char sc_version[]; /* Library Revision */
extern int sc_code; /* function result code */
extern int sc_log; /* use log file to record errors */
extern char sc_logfile[]; /* log file name */
* Module IDs for debug
CDI2L 0xc0
CDI2S 0x100
CDIGET 0x140
CDL2DOW 0x200
CDL2I 0x240
CDL2S 0x280
CDS2DAY 0x2c0
CDS2DOW 0x300
CDS2I 0x340
CDS2L 0x380
CDS2MON 0x3c0
CDS2S 0x400
CDSDAY 0x440
CDSGET 0x4c0
CEXPR 0x600
CFLUSH 0x640
CINDEX 0x680
CINFO 0x6c0
CKADD 0x700
CKBOT 0x740
CKCUR 0x780
CKDEL 0x7c0
CKFIND 0x800
CKMAKE 0x840
CKNEXT 0x880
CKPREV 0x8c0
CKTOP 0x900
COPEN 0x940
CPGET 0x980
CPPUT 0x9c0
CTI2S 0xa00
CTIGET 0xa40
CTS2I 0xa80
CTSGET 0xb00
DBFRSZ 0xb80
DBOF 0xbc0
DEOF 0xc40
DFGET 0xc80
DFINFO 0xcc0
DFLUSH 0xd00
DFNAM2NO 0xd40
DFPUT 0xd80
DINFO 0xdc0
DLOCK 0xe00
DLUD 0xe40
DOPEN 0xe80
DPACK 0xec0
DRGET 0xf40
DRINFO 0xf80
DRNUM 0xfc0
DRPUT 0x1000
DRSTAT 0x1040
DSIZE 0x1080
EMSG 0x10c0
HCREATE 0x1100
HEOF 0x1140
HERASE 0x1180
HEXIST 0x11c0
HFLUSH 0x1200
HLEN 0x1240
HLOCK 0x1280
HREAD 0x12c0
HRENAME 0x1300
HSEEK 0x1340
HSIZE 0x1380
HTELL 0x13c0
HWRITE 0x1400
IBFRSZ 0x1440
ICREATE 0x1480
IEXPR 0x14c0
IFLUSH 0x1500
IINDEX 0x1540
IINFO 0x1580
IKADD 0x15c0
IKBOT 0x1600
IKCUR 0x1640
IKDATE 0x1680
IKDEL 0x16c0
IKFIND 0x1700
IKMAKE 0x1740
IKNEXT 0x1780
IKPREV 0x17c0
IKTOP 0x1800
INIT 0x1840
IOPEN 0x1880
IPGET 0x18c0
IPPUT 0x1900
MCREATE 0x1940
MINFO 0x1980
MKADD 0x19c0
MKBOT 0x1a00
MKCUR 0x1a40
MKDATE 0x1a80
MKDEL 0x1ac0
MKFIND 0x1b00
MKMAKE 0x1b40
MKNEXT 0x1b80
MKNUM 0x1bc0
MKPREV 0x1c00
MKTOP 0x1c40
MOPEN 0x1c80
MTBFRSZ 0x1cc0
MTERASE 0x1d00
MTEXPR 0x1d40
MTFLUSH 0x1d80
MTINDEX 0x1dc0
MTINFO 0x1e00
MTNEW 0x1e40
NBFRSZ 0x1e80
NCREATE 0x1ec0
NEXPR 0x1f00
NFLUSH 0x1f40
NINDEX 0x1f80
NINFO 0x1fc0
NKADD 0x2000
NKBOT 0x2040
NKCUR 0x2080
NKDATE 0x20c0
NKDEL 0x2100
NKFIND 0x2140
NKMAKE 0x2180
NKNEXT 0x21c0
NKPREV 0x2200
NKTOP 0x2240
NOPEN 0x2280
NPGET 0x22c0
NPPUT 0x2300
STRUPR 0x2340
TCREATE 0x2380
TINFO 0x23c0
TOPEN 0x2400
TPACK 0x2440
TRGET 0x2480
TRPUT 0x24c0
WCREATE 0x2500
WINFO 0x2540
WOPEN 0x2580
WPACK 0x25c0
WRGET 0x2600
WRPUT 0x2640
DHGET 0x2680
CHGET 0x26C0
IHGET 0x2700
NHGET 0x2740
THGET 0x2780
WHGET 0x27C0